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Survivors Helping Survivors


Who We Are

At Mishkiki Chichakk Kamik, we are dedicated to restoring spiritual, emotional, physical and mental wellness to all those who have been impacted by trauma, PTSD, complicated grief, intergenerational trauma, and loss of land, culture and language. Our Medicine Spirit Lodge offers programs and services that honor the teachings of our ancestral traditions and provide a safe and sacred space for healing and transformation. We believe that by restoring balance to the mind, body, and spirit, we can help individuals reclaim their lives with purpose and joy.

Board of Directors Recruitment

Position Summary:


We are currently looking for new people to join the Board of Directors for Mishkiki Chichakk Kamik. As a member of the board, you will work together with other members to ensure the operations of the organization are aligned with the organization’s mission and values.


We are seeking candidates living in Ontario who have strong knowledge of, or experience with the residential school system and/or helping residential school survivors, their families, families affected by a missing or murdered loved one, or helping those living with the effects of intergenerational trauma.

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Mishkiki Chichakk Kamik   -   Survivors Helping Survivors

‘Restoring spiritual, emotional, physical and mental wellness to all those who have been impacted by trauma, PTSD, complicated grief, intergenerational trauma and loss of land, culture and language.’

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Little Wenebegon Lake, ON

Exterior Concept Design

Ceremonial + Gathering Space

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